Monday, November 30, 2009

Riding in a Winter Wonderland

Though not technically winter, November is when my mountaineering gear gradually makes its way to the forefront of the garage. By now, we’ve typically ascended Mt. Washington’s snowy Lion’s Head trail, cross-country skied through a New England national forest and sunk our ice axes into the first freeze at Champney Falls.

Not this year.

In July, scientists announced the arrival of El Niño, and expected the climate phenomenon to last through winter 2009-10. It looks like they predicted right. Just three weeks shy of the first official day of winter and I can still mountain bike in shorts and a short-sleeved jersey.

Sure, the lack of wintry weather means my gaiters and crampons won’t come out for a while. But I’m not complaining.

My point of view on a sunny day at High Rocks.

Riding Wissahickon in late November in shorts and short sleeves.

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