Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Darkness

My daily commute to meet Justin ended with Daylight Savings. Why? Because it is approaching pitch blackness when I would start my ride. And I’m scared of the dark.

In year’s past I’ve tried to continue the commute into winter, but it’s not enjoyable. In fact, I’m rather terrified to ride my bike alone at night. It’s not the cars that worry me. (The lights on my bike are plentiful and insanely bright.) It’s fear of the unknown: Who’s hiding in that 9-acre stretch of shadowy woods? What will emerge from behind that hedge?

Perhaps I am the only one who thinks about these things, save for my dad who likely passed on the paranoia to me. Really, I think he used to scare himself with his “ghost of Captain Benny” bedtime stories. But, I digress.

This year, my transition from starry sky to cellar is made a bit easier by a recent acquirement—a like-new CycleOps Club Pro 300PT with power tap.

It looks fairly appealing to ride, no? Certainly more appealing than my bike looks sitting in the trainer.

Let’s just hope these looks aren’t deceiving.


  1. I am glad you are going to be safe and not ride in the dark. I would be scared too! You are not the only one who things about those things.

  2. I too scare myself with insane dramatic stories created in my head.

    I want the cycleops, looks wicked!

  3. Thanks ladies! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's scared! Tonight will be my first test ride. I'll let you know how it goes!

  4. why dont you and your stupid bisykle friends stay off the road i need room when i drive i cant avoid u and drink beer without something happening

    the little sprocket
    ****** all hail dark helmet *********

  5. You're back! I was wondering whether I had lost one of my favorite readers. :)
